Auxiliary services

All services necessary for the operation of a transmission or electricity distribution network or all services necessary for the access to and operation of transmission or gas distribution networks or LNG facilities or storage facilities, including load balancing and blending facilities, but excluding facilities exclusively for transmission system operators are reserved for the performance of their tasks. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Balancing group

In the electricity sector within a control area, the combination of entry and withdrawal points, which serves the purpose of minimizing deviations between injections and withdrawals due to their mixing and to enable the processing of commercial transactions. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Balance zone

In the gas sector, the part of one or more networks in which entry and exit points can be assigned to a specific balancing group. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)


Biomethane, gas from biomass, landfill gas, sewage gas and mine gas as well as hydrogen that has been produced by water electrolysis, and synthetically produced methane, if the electricity used for electrolysis and the carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide used for methanation can be proven to come largely from renewable energy sources within the meaning of Directive 2009/28/EC (OJ L 140, 5 June 2009, p. 16). Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)


The production or extraction of energy to supply customers, the distribution of energy to customers and the operation of an energy supply network.

Company management

The top company management as well as persons who are entrusted with management tasks for the transport network operator and are entitled to represent the transport network operator in and out of court on the basis of a transfer act, the entry of which in the commercial register or a comparable register of a member state of the European Union is required by law.

Compensatory benefits

Services for the provision of energy that is required to cover losses and to compensate for differences between feed-in and feed-out, which in particular also includes balancing energy.

Connecting lines

Installations used to interconnect electricity networks, or a transmission line that crosses or spans a border between Member States and has the sole purpose of connecting the national transmission networks of these Member States.

Control zone

In the field of electricity supply, the network area for whose primary control, secondary control and minute reserve a transmission system operator within the Union for the Coordination of the Transport of Electrical Energy (UCTE) is responsible. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Customer facilities

Energy installations for the supply of energy, a) located in a geographically contiguous area, b) connected to an energy supply network or to a generation plant, c) are insignificant for ensuring effective and undistorted competition in the supply of electricity and gas and d ) be made available to everyone for the purpose of supplying the connected final consumers by way of transmission, regardless of the choice of energy supplier, without discrimination and free of charge.


Wholesalers, final consumers and companies that buy energy.

Customer systems for company self-sufficiency

Energy systems for the supply of energy, a) that are located in a spatially related operating area, b) are connected to an energy supply network or to a generation plant, c) almost exclusively for the operationally necessary transport of energy within the company’s own company or to affiliated companies or almost exclusively transport to an energy supply network for the purpose of the operation and d) are made available to everyone for the purpose of supplying the end consumers connected to them by way of transit, regardless of the choice of energy supplier, without discrimination and free of charge. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Decentralized generation system

A generation system close to consumption and load that is connected to the distribution network. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Direct line

A line that connects a single production site to a single customer, or a line that connects an electricity producer and an electricity distribution company for the purpose of supplying directly to its own premises, subsidiaries or customers, or a gas pipeline constructed in addition to the interconnected network to supply individual customers. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Electricity distribution network operators

Natural or legal persons or legally dependent organizational units of an energy supply company that perform the task of distributing electricity and are responsible for the operation, maintenance and, if necessary, expansion of the distribution network in a specific area and, if necessary, the connecting lines to other networks. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)


Electricity and gas, insofar as they are used for grid-based energy supply.

Energy derivative

A specified in Section C, points 5, 6 or 7 of Annex I to Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments, amending Directives 85/611/EEC and 93/6/ EEC of the Council and Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 93/22/EEC (OJ L 145, 30.4.2001, p. 1, OJ L 45, 16.2. 2005, p. 18) as amended, provided that this instrument relates to electricity or gas.

Energy efficiency measures

Measures to improve the relationship between energy expenditure and the result achieved in the areas of energy conversion, energy transport and energy use.

Energy supply company

Natural or legal persons who supply energy to others, operate an energy supply network or have power to dispose of an energy supply network as owners; The operation of a customer system or a customer system for the company’s own supply does not make the operator an energy supply company.

Energy supply contract

A contract for the supply of electricity or gas, excluding energy derivatives.

Energy supply networks

Electricity supply networks and gas supply networks over one or more voltage levels or pressure levels, with the exception of customer systems within the meaning of numbers 24a and 24b.

Energy systems

Systems for the generation, storage, transmission or delivery of energy, as long as they do not merely serve to transmit signals, this includes the distribution systems of the final consumers and, in the case of gas supply, the last shut-off device in front of the consumption system.

Entry point

A point at which gas can be transferred to a network operator on its network or sub-network, including delivery from storage, gas production facilities, hubs or blending and conversion facilities.

Environmental sustainability

The use of combined heat and power and renewable energies is particularly important to ensure that the energy supply meets the requirements of a sustainable, especially rational and economical use of energy, that the careful and long-term use of resources is guaranteed and that the environmental impact is as little as possible.

Feed-in capacity

In the gas sector, the maximum volume per hour in standard cubic meters that can be fed into a network or sub-network of a network operator at an entry point.

Final consumer

Natural or legal persons who purchase energy for their own consumption.


Natural gas, biogas, liquid gas within the scope of Sections 4 and 49 and, if they are fed into a gas supply network, hydrogen that has been produced by water electrolysis and synthetically produced methane that has been produced by hydrogen produced by water electrolysis and subsequent methanation.

Gas supplier

Natural and legal persons whose business activities are wholly or partially focused on the distribution of gas for the purpose of supplying final consumers.

Gas supply networks

Any transmission network, gas distribution network, LNG facility or storage facility necessary for access to transmission, distribution and LNG facilities owned or operated by one or more energy utilities, including network buffering and its facilities, which for auxiliary services, and the facilities of affiliated companies, with the exception of those power supplies or parts of equipment used for local production activities.

General supply energy supply networks

Energy supply networks that are used to distribute energy to third parties and whose dimensions are not designed from the outset only to supply certain final consumers that are fixed or determinable when the network is set up, but are fundamentally open to the supply of every final consumer.

Household customers

Final consumers who buy energy primarily for their own household consumption or for personal consumption for professional, agricultural or commercial purposes that does not exceed an annual consumption of 10,000 kilowatt hours.

Interconnected network

A number of transmission and electricity distribution networks interconnected by one or more interconnectors, or a number of gas supply networks interconnected.

LNG plant

A head station for the liquefaction of natural gas or for the import, discharge and regasification of liquefied natural gas; This includes ancillary services and temporary storage necessary for regasification and subsequent injection into the transmission network, but does not include the parts of LNG head-end stations used for storage purposes. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

LNG plant operators

Natural or legal persons or legally dependent organizational units of an energy supply company that carry out the task of liquefying natural gas or the import, unloading and re-evaporation of liquefied natural gas and are responsible for the operation of an LNG plant. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Local distribution network

A network that serves primarily to supply final consumers via local lines, regardless of the pressure rating or diameter of the lines; The delimitation of the local distribution networks from the upstream network levels is based on the concession area in which a general supply network within the meaning of Section 18 Paragraph 1 and Section 46 Paragraph 2 is operated, including lines that connect a local distribution network with a Connect to neighboring local distribution network. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Long distance line

The transport of natural gas through a high-pressure pipeline network, with the exception of upstream pipeline networks, to enable the supply of customers, but not the supply of the customers themselves. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)


The reading and reading of the measuring device as well as the passing on of the data to those authorized.

Measuring point operation

The installation, operation and maintenance of measuring devices.

Measuring point operator

A network operator or a third party who carries out the task of operating the measuring point.


Ordinance on framework conditions for measuring point operation and measurement in the area of line-based electricity and gas supply (Measuring Access Ordinance – MessZV) Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Network buffering

The storage of gas by compression in transmission and distribution networks, with the exception of facilities reserved for operators of transmission networks in the performance of their tasks.

Network operator

Network or system operators within the meaning of numbers 2 to 7 and 10

Network users

Natural or legal persons who feed energy into or obtain energy from an electricity or gas supply network.

New infrastructure

An infrastructure that was put into operation after July 12, 2005. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Operators of electricity supply networks

Natural or legal persons or legally dependent organizational units of an energy supply company that are operators of transmission or electricity distribution networks. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Operators of energy supply networks

Operators of electricity supply networks or gas supply networks. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Operators of gas supply networks

Natural or legal persons or legally dependent organizational units of an energy supply company that operate gas supply networks. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Operators of long-distance transmission networks

Operators of networks that have border or market area interconnection points, which in particular ensure the integration of large European import pipelines into the German transmission network, or natural or legal persons or legally dependent organizational units of an energy supply company that carry out the task of transmitting natural gas and are responsible for its operation , the maintenance and, if necessary, the expansion of a network, a) that serves to connect domestic production or LNG plants to the German pipeline network, unless this is an upstream pipeline network within the meaning of number 39, or b) that border or market area interconnection points has booking points or zones for which shippers can book capacities. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Own investments

Systems for generating electricity to cover personal needs that are not operated by energy supply companies.

Renewable energy

Energies within the meaning of Section 5 Number 14 of the Renewable Energy Sources Act. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Storage facility operators

Natural or legal persons or legally dependent organizational units of an energy supply company that carry out the task of storing natural gas and are responsible for the operation of a storage facility. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)


In the gas sector, a part of the transport area of one or more network operators in which a transport customer can flexibly use booked capacities at entry and exit points.

Top management

Board of directors, management or a corporate body with comparable tasks and powers.


The transport of electricity via an extra-high voltage and high-voltage interconnection network, including cross-border connecting lines, for the purpose of supplying final consumers or distributors, but not supplying the customers themselves. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Transmission network operators

Natural or legal persons or legally dependent organizational units of an energy supply company that carry out the task of transmitting electricity and that are responsible for the operation, maintenance and, if necessary, the expansion of the transmission network in a specific area and, if necessary, the connecting lines to other networks. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Transport customer

In the gas sector, wholesalers, gas suppliers including the trading department of a vertically integrated company and end consumers.

Transport network

Any transmission or long-distance network.

Transport network operator

Any operator of a transmission or long-distance network. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)

Upstream pipeline network

Pipelines or a network of pipelines whose operation or construction is part of an oil or gas production project or which are used to transport natural gas from one or more such facilities to a processing plant, to a terminal or to a final landing terminal on the coast Exception of such power supplies or parts of equipment used for local production activities. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014

Vertikal integriertes Energy supply company

An undertaking or group of electricity or gas undertakings operating in the European Union within the meaning of Article 3(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of mergers (OJ L 24, 29.1.2004, p. 1), where the undertaking or group concerned in the European Union in the electricity sector has at least one of the functions of transmission or distribution and at least one of the functions of production or distribution of electricity or in the natural gas sector, at least one of the functions of transmission, distribution, operation of an LNG plant or storage and at the same time one of the functions of extraction or distribution of natural gas.


Natural or legal persons, other than operators of transmission, long-distance, electricity and gas distribution systems, who purchase energy for the purpose of resale within or outside the network in which they are established. Source: EnWG (Energy Industry Act 2014)