Acteno micro metering


Measurement of switchgear, sub-distributions, individual systems

If additional energy information is to be collected in addition to the recording via the main meter, this can be realized through sub-metering. acteno energy offers to implement sub-metering as a service, either permanently or temporarily, if desired.




  • Support in the selection of suitable sub-metering systems independent of manufacturers
  • Design, planning, installation
  • Assistance in the selection of suitable sub-metering systems
  • Data integration into overarching management systems
  • Data capture, processing, provision, and integration into the acteno energy performance management system
  • Data integration into overarching management systems
  • Provision of open interfaces: API (SOAP & REST), CSV, MSCONS, ModBus, MBUS, KNX, OPC-UA
  • Creation of a dedicated monitoring system & reporting system