Internal electricity

Rising grid procurement costs and falling EEG subsidies are making optimizing your own electricity increasingly interesting. acteno supports you with conception, modeling, optimization and measurement implementation.

The term self-sufficiency is defined in Section 5 No. 19 EEG 2017. Accordingly, self-sufficiency is the consumption of electricity that a natural or legal person consumes in the immediate spatial connection with the electricity generation system, if the electricity is not passed through a network and this person operates the electricity generation system themselves. Own electricity therefore has four requirements:


What we do

acteno energy supports you in implementing your private or commercial electricity concept. As an independent measuring point operator, we can offer the following services for your own supply:

  1. Installation of measuring systems and, if necessary, integration of the measuring systems into the local control technology
  2. Development of an individual measurement concept that economically optimizes your own electricity use
  3. Consideration of the site-specific system configuration and individual wishes
  4. Inclusion of legal advice and auditing as required
  5. Coordination with network operators and external suppliers
  6. Implementation of the developed measurement concept including market communication as part of the measurement point operation
  7. Visualization of the collected measurement data in our customer portal

Together with our partners, we create your individual tenant electricity solution

Economic potential

For self-supply with electricity from renewable energies and highly efficient CHP systems, according to Section 61b EEG 2017, only a reduced EEG levy of currently 40 percent has to be paid. Existing systems, i.e. older systems, are also often completely exempt from paying the EEG levy. There are also no network fees, network surcharges or concession fees that have to be paid for your own electricity. As a rule, the system operators also benefit from an electricity tax exemption in accordance with Section 9 StromStG. The cost benefits are summarized in the following figure.

Legal framework

Depending on the type of system, regulations from various laws and regulations must be observed. Below you will find brief information on the promotion of your own electricity according to the EEG and the KWKG (not exhaustive).


Financial support according to the EEG 2017 is only possible for the surplus electricity from renewable energies, i.e. the share of electricity that is not consumed as own electricity but is fed into the general supply network.

Systems with an installed output of less than 100 kW receive a legally stipulated feed-in tariff for the excess electricity in accordance with Section 21 EEG 2017. Larger systems can only take advantage of subsidized direct marketing in accordance with Section 21 EEG 2017. Since the last amendment to the EEG, the level of funding has been determined competitively through tenders. Funding for excess electricity can only be considered if eligibility for funding has been auctioned for the respective system in a tender. However, smaller systems are exempt from participating in tenders. In the area of photovoltaics, for example, systems with an installed capacity of less than 750 kW are not obliged to participate.

Various obligations arise in connection with the funding. According to Section 6 EEG 2017, for example, there are reporting obligations to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). In particular, according to Section 9 EEG 2017, systems of 100 kW or more must be equipped with measuring systems with which the network operator can reduce the feed-in power remotely and can call up the actual feed-in at any time.


In contrast to the EEG, financial support according to the KWKG 2017 is possible for both the CHP electricity fed into the grid and for the CHP electricity consumed by the company itself. A surcharge is paid for each kilowatt hour generated. The prerequisite for the additional payment is that the CHP system has been approved by the BAFA.

Since the last amendment to the KWKG, a surcharge for new and modernized CHP systems whose electrical output is over 1 MW up to a maximum of 50 MW must also be auctioned in tenders (Section 5 Para. 1 KWKG 2017).

Smaller systems are exempt from participating in tenders and can receive fixed compensation rates per kWh. The amount of the additional payment depends on the electrical performance. For example, with an output of up to 50 kW, the surcharge for feeding into the network according to Section 7 Paragraph 1 KWKG is 8 cents/kWh. The subsidy for self-consumed electricity with an output of up to 50 kW is 4 ct/kWh in accordance with Section 7 (2) KWKG. The funding period is usually limited to 60,000 hours of full use.