The right metering concept for your H2 project

  • We implement your metering concept for electricity storage
  • Incorporation of decentralized generation and consumption
  • Projects in the innovation tender

The Impact of Hydrogen: The Revolution in Energy Management

As the energy world moves towards cleaner and more sustainable solutions, hydrogen is becoming an increasingly important component in achieving these goals. It is particularly significant in managing fluctuations in energy supply and demand, optimizing grid stability, and supporting the integration of renewable energies.

Hydrogen /H2 measurement & operating concepts

How measurement and operating concepts for hydrogen can revolutionize energy management and grid stability?

Energy Balancing and Grid Stability:
  • Hydrogen stores excess energy generated during low demand or high renewable energy production periods.
  • Smart metering data helps identify excess energy for hydrogen production and balance the grid.
Carbon Reduction and Environmental Benefits:
  • Hydrogen storage supports decarbonization efforts and reduces emissions.
  • Green hydrogen, produced from renewable sources, contributes to a cleaner energy system.
Integration of Renewable Energies:
  • Hydrogen stores excess renewable energy for later use.
  • Smart metering systems optimize the integration of renewable energies and hydrogen storage.

Metering Concepts for Complex Hydrogen Infrastructures:

The integration of hydrogen production with renewable energy sources offers a range of benefits that can transform our energy infrastructure:

Service for Hydrogen Plant Operators:

  • We provide a metering and balancing system designed for the precise monitoring, coordination, verification, and billing of energy transactions between various energy systems and your hydrogen production facilities.
  • Sector Coupling with Multiple Domains:
    • Electrical
    • Thermal
    • Hydrogen


What can we offer?

  • Metering & Data Collection: Comprehensive energy measurements and insights from SCADA, trading platforms, and the energy market.
  • Energy Monitoring & Reporting:
    • Understand and track the operation of your production and generation facilities
    • Analyses and reports per location, system, facility, and customer
  • Distributed On-site Optimization:
    • Portfolio planning for the operation of your facilities and optimal balancing within your energy system
    • Support for flexibility
    • Support for the energy trading market
    • Benchmarking of the reserve market