Acteno smart metering

Metering point operation and metering services from start to finish
Knowing at all times what is being consumed, when and where. Energy productivity, cost and consumption control can only function if metering data is collected continuously and permanently in high resolution. With the service package acteno energy offers a complete solution for metering point operation and metering service.
Switch now:

- Commission Acteno energy to implement the metering point operation and metering services
- We install our intelligent metering system at all your locations as recording power measurement (rLM) or standard load profile (SLP). We will fully replace the current billing meters.
- You can use our Acteno energy performance management (EPM) and understand your energy
- No fees paid to network operators for metering point operation and metering services
- You get full control over your energy
Smart metering + ACTENO Energy Performance Management (EPM)
In combination with acteno energy performance management you get a powerful tool to overview and evaluate all metering systems across organizations.
Your advantages:

- Metering point operation and metering services nationwide
- Provision of metering & communication technology based on economical solutions
- Independent of suppliers and network operators
- Centralized access to uniform data
- Creation of energy performance with Acteno energy performance management
- All energy data at a glance
- Reduction of energy and network utilization costs
- Load profile and reactive current analysis
- Control of and secure planning of your energy budget

- Visualization and reports for your own use or support for the EEG reduction / Exemption
- Benchmarking
- Notification of Critical Events
- Export to third-party systems (e.g. as an XLS, CSV, XML)
- Load management
- Aggregation and balancing
- Forecasts
- Individual Project Implementation
- Measurement of purchase and delivery

ENWG § 21B
With the opening of metering for electricity and gas, the areas of metering point operation and metering were completely liberalized in 2011. This means that customers (commercial, private, public) are free to choose a metering point operator and metering service provider. acteno energy is a metering point operator and metering service provider according to §3 MsbG. acteno energy offers independent metering point operation for industrial and commercial customers.
Independent metering point operation
The metering point operation of acteno energy is realized nationwide independently for industrial, commercial and EEG customers. Here, acteno energy replaces the previous metering point operation of the network operator.
- Independent of network operators
- Independent of suppliers