Your Custom Measurement Concept

Your Custom Measurement Concept

Whether it’s an energy park, industrial area, or network: Custom measurement concepts are essential where standard solutions reach their limits. Are you operating multiple facilities in mixed surplus and full feed-in? Or do you have a storage system as part of your energy system?

Acteno has been specializing in the realization of complex, tailored measurement concepts since 2014. We capture your specific requirements and coordinate the implementation in close cooperation with network operators, suppliers, and marketers. Whether it’s about full feed-in, surplus feed-in, or elective priority regulation – we design solutions that perfectly match your needs.

Your Benefits with acteno

Turnkey Implementation

We accompany your measurement concept from the initial idea to final operation. This includes planning, simulation, validation, installation, and ongoing operation.

Mapping Complex Structures

Our expertise allows us to effectively realize even the most challenging and intricate energy and measurement structures.

Integration of Storage Systems and Flexible Loads

Modern energy systems require flexibility. We integrate storage solutions and flexible loads into your system, ensuring optimal energy efficiency and grid stability.

Connection to Electric Mobility

The future of mobility is electric. We ensure that electric mobility is seamlessly integrated into your energy and measurement concept, for a comprehensive and forward-looking solution.

Why acteno?

At acteno, we understand that every energy system is unique. Our custom measurement concepts reflect this uniqueness and ensure the optimal performance of your system. Rely on our experience and expertise to elevate your energy system to the next level.

Contact us now for your individual measurement concept.